Need to adjust settings in your Library App?
You can access the Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner. Enabling an option will cause a green check mark icon to appear on the left side. Disabling an option will remove the check and show a light gray circle instead. Here you can also see which version of the Library Client you are running.
MacOS and Windows only - Change the file save location
MacOS and Windows only - Option to log the Library Client’s activity
Set how many files the Library Client downloads at a time.
Option to let the Library Client check for app updates.
Additional Settings - Saving your changes, canceling your changes, signing out your account from the Library Client.
How to return to main library.
File Save Location - Download Directory
This is currently only available for the Windows and macOS versions.
At any time you can change the location that the Library Client will save the files it downloads. Changing this location will not affect already downloaded files - they will still be able to be opened (unless the files have been moved)
To change the download location:
- Click on the gear icon to go to Settings
- Go to the Download section at the top
- Find the Download Directory option
- Then either click on the three dots on the right side to choose the new folder or manually type in the folder location. (Please make sure your folder is not set to read only.)
- Then click Save Changes.
The app will return to the main library page and begin a scan of the newly designated folder. You can also use this to get the Library Client to find files you have already downloaded from our site.
Multiple File Download Options
You can set how many files the Library Client will download at the same time.
To change the number of simultaneous downloads:
- Click on the gear icon to go to Settings
- Find the Number of simultaneous downloads option.
- Then click on the drop down to pick one how many you would like to download at a time
- Click Save Changes
Check for new version on app startup
When this option is checked, when the Library Client is launched it will look to see if there is a new version of the app.
If there is an update available, a pop up will appear asking you if you would like to update to the most recent version.
Activity Logging
Currently only available on Windows and macOS
For the Windows and macOS versions the Library Client can create a log of its activity as a text file. This option is enabled by default and we highly recommend to keep this enabled since it is used to assist in troubleshooting issues.
To enable or disable logging:
- Click on the gear icon to go to Settings
- Find Enable Logging to assist in improving the application
- Click to enable or disable
Additional Settings
Show Delete Confirmation - when the box is checked the app will always ask for confirmation to delete a file when you click on the delete icon.
Sign Out - Will sign you out of the Library Client. This will also clear out any locally cached library data. If you have files in a different folder from your Download Directory you will need to have the Library Client to find them again.
Save Changes - click to save any changes made to the settings and return to the main library.
Cancel - clicking will close the Settings window and any changes made will not be saved.
Return back to main Library View
Be sure to click Save Changes if you have changed any of the settings. Once clicked it will save and then return to the main library.
At any time you can also click on cancel or on the the white arrow pointing back located at the top left corner of the Settings page to return to the main library without changing anything.